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Post Filtered Topic: 'equipment-safety'

How To Safely Operate, Store And Care For Your Mower

You get busy and rush, you get distracted, you tell yourself you’ll do it next time — we’ve all been there. But lawn mowers cause over 80,000 trips to the emergency room every year. And they can hurt your wallet if you don’t store and maintain them properly.

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| Author Littles, tagged in Equipment safety

Does Your Maintenance Schedule Need A Checkup?

Most of us have experienced going out to cut the lawn and having our mower not start or perform poorly. With life as busy as it is, it’s easy to neglect regular maintenance. 

Having a schedule and sticking to it throughout the year is an easy way to avoid those frustrating surprises. Here are some quick tips whether you’re a DIYer or use a professional maintenance service.

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| Author Littles, tagged in Residential Mower, Equipment safety

10.5 Tips For Log Splitter Safety

If you enjoy an occasional fire in the living room fireplace or backyard fire pit, it’s no big deal to split the wood you need with an axe or maul. If you use firewood for heating, though, or even if you just enjoy the sight and smell of burning wood on a regular basis, you’ve probably considered investing in a log splitter.

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| Author Littles, tagged in Equipment safety
7 Tips To Avoid Expensive Lawn Mower Repairs Discover How To Keep Your Mower  Running Like New ACCESS MY TIP SHEET
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